Become a Partner

We are excited to announce our 2B Community Perks program, designed to bring together local residents and businesses in a mutually beneficial partnership. As a decision-maker for a local business (owner, manager, etc.), you have the opportunity to reach thousands of potential customers through our program.

2B Residential is located primarily in St. Louis, MO, the counties west of St. Louis, and the St. Louis Metro East/Illinois area. We have an emerging footprint beyond St. Louis with communities in Kansas City, Arkansas, and Indiana. 2B Residential manages over 10,000 luxury units, and our residents are always on the lookout for local businesses. By participating in our community perks program, you can offer exclusive deals and promotions to our residents, which will drive traffic to your establishment and increase your loyal customer base.

Not only will you benefit from increased exposure and foot traffic, but you will also be supporting the local community and helping to build a stronger, more vibrant neighborhood. The 2B Community Perks program is a win-win for everyone involved, and we are excited to have you on board.

We would love to discuss the details with you and help you get started. Let’s work together to create a thriving local economy and a stronger community for all.

Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.